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Ensuring In-Person Transaction Security: Understanding Card Present Fraud and Harnessing Athenty's Solutions for Protection


Card Present (CP) fraud is a concerning and stealthy form of financial fraud that takes advantage of in-person transactions. This deceptive act involves criminals using stolen payment card information to make unauthorized purchases or withdrawals while physically presenting the card. Recognizing the signs of CP fraud and implementing robust security measures is essential for safeguarding your payment cards and financial information. Athenty's intelligent verification solutions, particularly Smart Verify, play a pivotal role in identifying and preventing CP fraud, offering a strong defense against this insidious risk.

What is Card Present (CP) Fraud?

Card Present (CP) fraud occurs when criminals use stolen payment card details to make unauthorized transactions by physically presenting the card in in-person settings, such as retail stores or ATMs.

Common Scenarios of CP Fraud:

  1. Retail Store Purchases: Fraudsters use stolen card information to make unauthorized purchases at brick-and-mortar retail locations.
  2. ATM Withdrawals: Criminals use stolen card details to withdraw cash from ATMs using the physical card.
  3. Gas Station Fraud: Perpetrators place skimming devices on gas station card readers to steal card information from unsuspecting customers.
  4. Restaurant or Service Scams: Fraudsters capture card details while processing payments at restaurants, hotels, or service establishments.
  5. Retail Data Breaches: Criminals gain access to payment card data through breaches of retail or hospitality systems.

How Athenty Solutions Combat Card Present Fraud:

Athenty's intelligent verification solutions, particularly Smart Verify, offer essential features to combat CP fraud and enhance the security of in-person transactions:

  1. AI-Validated Document Verification: Smart Verify employs AI-powered document authentication to verify the authenticity of identification documents and detect potential fraudsters using stolen card data.
  2. Real-Time Monitoring: Smart Verify keeps clients informed at each verification stage, enabling early detection of suspicious activities and potential CP fraud attempts.
  3. Secure Data Handling: Athenty ensures the secure handling and storage of sensitive payment card information, minimizing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
  4. Fraudulent Activity Detection: Athenty's AI-powered systems identify patterns of CP fraud, helping individuals, merchants, and financial institutions detect and prevent unauthorized transactions.
  5. Document Integrity: Smart Verify ensures that submitted identification documents have not been tampered with or altered, reducing the risk of fraudulent activity.


Card Present (CP) fraud presents a significant risk to individuals and businesses engaged in in-person transactions. Recognizing the signs of CP fraud and implementing advanced security measures are essential steps in protecting your payment cards and financial security.

Athenty's intelligent verification solutions, particularly Smart Verify, provide essential tools to identify and combat CP fraud effectively. By leveraging AI-validated document verification, real-time monitoring, secure data handling, and fraud detection, you can fortify your defenses against deceptive CP fraud attempts.

Choose Athenty's Smart Verify to bolster your CP fraud prevention strategy and ensure the security of your in-person transactions. Stand strong against the stealthy threat of CP fraud and protect your financial well-being with Athenty's cutting-edge solutions.

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